Log Files

Starting with version 1.8.0, pgmetrics can extract information from PostgreSQL log files and make them available in it’s JSON output. Currently, the following information is collected:

  • Query execution plans logged by the auto_explain extension. Plans in JSON or text formats, along with the SQL query text, the username of the user executing the query and the name of the database on which it is executed are collected.
  • Autovaccum log entries, with the name of the table being autovaccummed, the time of start and the duration.
  • Deadlock detection logs that include the queries that caused the deadlock.

From version 1.17.0, pgmetrics will also include all the raw log entries it reads in the JSON output.

Locating the Log Files

pgmetrics will attempt to find the log file(s) at the following locations, in order:

  • the path to a single log file specified on the command line with the --log-file option
  • all the files in the directory specified on the command line with the --log-dir option
  • the pg_current_logfile() function, if available
  • the most recent file in /var/log/postgresql

Note: this behavior changed between pgmetrics v1.9.0 and v1.10.0.

Specifying How Much to Collect

By default pgmetrics will examine the last 5 minutes worth of log file content, because pgmetrics is intended to be invoked periodically (like every 5 minutes) to collect metrics and information. You can change this duration using the command line option --log-span=MINS.

Log Line Prefix

pgmetrics will examine the configuration setting log_line_prefix directly from the database. Any value for this setting is acceptable to pgmetrics, as long as it includes one of %t (timestamp without milliseconds), %m (timestamp with milliseconds) or %n (epoch timestamp).

Additionally, it is highly recommended to include %u (username) and %d (database name).

Skipping Log File Processing

pgmetrics will attempt to read and process logs by default. If this behavior is not required, disable it using the --omit=log command-line option.

CSV Logs

Starting with version 1.10.0, pgmetrics supports reading from CSV logs. If the setting log_destination contains csvlog and the setting logging_collector is enabled, then pgmetrics assumes that the logs are in the CSV format.

Raw Log Entries

Starting with version 1.17.0, pgmetrics includes each raw log entry it processes into the JSON output. Each entry looks like this:

      "at": 1721810868,
      "atfull": "2024-07-24T08:47:48.463Z",
      "user": "alice",
      "db_name": "alice",
      "level": "ERROR",
      "line": "permission denied for function pg_current_logfile",
      "extra": [
          "level": "STATEMENT",
          "line": "SELECT COALESCE(pg_current_logfile( 'stderr' ),'')"